How do I motivate myself to work on Monday?

As humans, we are extremely creative when it comes to making excuses. Every time something unpleasant or complex pops up, we armor ourselves with A-grade excuses as to why it can’t be done. Sometimes we find it easier to make excuses or delay endlessly instead of actually committing to something that triggers our fears or anxieties.

You can’t just expect to wake up one day and have all your calories disappear magically while you slept, or sit around at home all day, waiting for the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to contact you. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone just handed you all of their assets, instead of you having to slave away at work all day?

Yes, it all sounds really nice, but these are nothing but fantasies. If you’re still looking for that one person to change your life, take a look in the mirror. If you really want to alter your life, quit making excuses, craft your life goals, and start working towards them. TODAY!!! This is what all these Monday motivation quotes are telling you!

Every time that you start your day on a happy note and a positive, can-do attitude, you are highly likely to be successful and happy throughout the day. Starting your day with a positive attitude helps you in cultivating a happy life, which in fact brings you ever closer to your goals.

Stay happy,


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