It doesn't matter what others are doing,

 It doesn't matter what others are doing, it matters what YOU are doing.

Yes, it does. Did you wake up this morning with a plan? Did you know what you were having for breakfast, lunch and dinner? If not, why not? This makes you accountable to you. To have a food plan, at least in your mind, and the food to complete that plan in your kitchen, really works. It gives you the foundation for the day, and you don't need to think about other food because you know what you are going to eat.

Did you clean out your kitchen yet? If you haven't, why not? Get rid of anything, ANYTHING, that calls your name. You never need to be that noble. You should have things in the house that are good and good for you. Never have snacks, cookies, or whatever, that might be alluring at some point. You don't need to prove anything to anyone.

I had an aunt that used to leave a closed package of Oreos on her counter, to see how long she could go before she opened it. It was NUTS. I don't like Oreos, so, I would never have opened them, but she did, and she COUNTED the days it took before she finally succumbed. She had a WHOLE package of them. How could you stop if you have a whole package, waiting to be consumed? Don't do this. Don't even bring this stuff home. Life is tough enough without this kind of aggravation.

If you have not started an exercise plan, make time to walk every single day. I know, it's cold. It was -10 yesterday here, and I walked around Target after the gym. Typical Minneapolis, Target was fairly crowded. We don't stop anything for weather here. People might walk inside, but they still go. Time for YOU to go, get active and get those endorphins working for you.

Every day that you say, I will do this tomorrow, makes it one day later that you will become the butterfly you always imagined you could be. It feels pretty darned good to be at the butterfly stage, at almost 60. I am delighted that I managed this, and that I will be continuing it forever. Now, it's your turn.

Never Underestimate your self

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