How to Ace the Microsoft MS-720: Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer Exam

How to Ace the Microsoft MS-720: Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer Exam:

Microsoft Teams has become a cornerstone of modern workplace communication, and the demand for professionals who can manage its voice functionalities is on the rise. The Microsoft MS-720 exam, also known as the Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer exam, validates your ability to plan, design, configure, and manage voice solutions within Microsoft Teams. This guide will help you navigate the preparation process and ace the exam.

Understanding the MS-720 Exam

The MS-720 exam measures your skills in several key areas:

  1. Plan and Configure Microsoft Teams Phone: Understand how to plan and configure Teams Phone settings, including voice routing and phone number management.
  2. Optimize Network Performance: Ensure a high-quality voice experience by optimizing network performance.
  3. Configure and Manage Microsoft Teams Calling: Set up and manage call features and settings.
  4. Configure and Manage Voicemail and Call Quality: Implement and manage voicemail and maintain call quality and reliability.
  5. Manage Teams Devices: Deploy, manage, and troubleshoot Teams devices.
  6. Monitor and Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams Phone: Use tools and strategies to monitor and troubleshoot Teams Phone issues.

Preparation Strategies

1. Understand the Exam Objectives

The first step is to thoroughly review the exam objectives. Microsoft provides a detailed list of skills measured by the MS-720 exam. Familiarize yourself with each objective and assess your proficiency in each area.

2. Utilize Microsoft Learning Paths and Resources

Microsoft offers structured learning paths and resources tailored to the MS-720 exam. These include:

  • Microsoft Learn Modules: These self-paced learning modules cover each exam objective in detail.
  • Official Practice Tests: These tests simulate the exam environment and provide a gauge of your readiness.
  • Microsoft Docs: Comprehensive documentation that provides in-depth information on Microsoft Teams voice solutions.

3. Hands-On Experience

Practical experience is crucial. Set up a lab environment where you can experiment with Microsoft Teams Phone configurations, call routing, voicemail settings, and device management. This hands-on practice will reinforce your theoretical knowledge and prepare you for real-world scenarios.

4. Join Study Groups and Forums

Engage with the community of professionals preparing for the MS-720 exam. Platforms like Tech Community, Reddit, and specialized study groups offer valuable insights, tips, and peer support. Discussing concepts with others can deepen your understanding and provide different perspectives.

5. Attend Instructor-Led Training

For those who prefer guided learning, Microsoft offers instructor-led training courses. These courses are delivered by certified trainers and provide a structured learning experience, along with opportunities to ask questions and interact with peers.

6. Review and Practice Regularly

Consistent review and practice are essential. Schedule regular study sessions and practice exams to assess your progress. Identify areas where you need improvement and focus on those topics.

Exam Day Tips

1. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Ensure you are well-rested before the exam. A clear and focused mind will help you perform better.

2. Arrive Early

If taking the exam at a testing center, arrive early to avoid any last-minute stress. For online exams, ensure your computer and internet connection are reliable and that your testing environment is quiet and free from distractions.

3. Read Questions Carefully

During the exam, read each question thoroughly. Pay attention to details and avoid rushing. If you are unsure about a question, mark it for review and return to it later.

4. Manage Your Time

Keep an eye on the time and pace yourself. Allocate enough time to review your answers before submitting the exam.

Post-Exam Steps

1. Review Your Results

After completing the exam, review your results to understand your performance. Microsoft provides feedback on areas of strength and areas that need improvement.

2. Continue Learning

Passing the MS-720 exam is a significant achievement, but continuous learning is essential in the ever-evolving field of technology. Stay updated with the latest developments in Microsoft Teams and voice solutions through continuous professional development.

3. Apply Your Skills

Apply the knowledge and skills you’ve gained in your professional role. Implementing what you’ve learned in real-world scenarios will solidify your expertise and enhance your career prospects.


Acing the Microsoft MS-720: Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer exam requires a combination of thorough preparation, practical experience, and effective study strategies. By leveraging the available resources, engaging with the community, and practicing consistently, you can achieve certification and advance your career as a Microsoft Teams Voice Engineer. Good luck!


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